10–11 Oct 2024
Circolo dei Lettori
Europe/Berlin timezone


Diamond Discovery Hub (DDH)

Diamond Discovery Hub (DDH) will be a comprehensive registry for institutionally published and scholar-led Open Access journals in the European Research Area, designed to improve the visibility and discoverability of diamond OA journals.



Upskilling curriculum for technical standards

The curriculum provides a modular framework for upskilling qualification in technical topics and takes into account the variety of publishing environments in which they occur. 



Training materials 

In the CRAFT-OA project, training material on technical publication standards is developed. Training material is addressed in two consecutive sessions: The first (session 3) aims at feedback for training material in progress and the second (session 4) is a hands-on workshop.



OJS Diamond Plugins 1: Interoperability 

OJS Diamond Plugins are being developed to make the editor’s job easier in terms of enhancing the discoverability of their journals, as well as facilitating automatic connections to key databases and aggregators such as OpenAIRE and EOSC.



OpenAire Publisher Dashboard

Dedicated dashboards tailored specifically for publishers of Diamond Open Access journals mainly by institutional publishing providers. The dashboards will have indicators and metrics to assess the quality, compatibility of the publications production.



Indexes and Aggregators

An overview of the synthetic and easy to use documentation about academic publications indexing services and aggregators and their requirements for data exchange (prerequisites, paths, modelisation, formats). 



Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (Single Sign-On service)

In this session, you will learn what Single Sign-On (SSO) is, its importance in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) context and some of its advantages. Then an overview of an IAM tool (called (EGI Check-in) that implements the SSO mechanism in the EOSC AAI federation will be provided to institutional publishing service owners and technology providers and finally a practical demonstration session of the integration of a service (OIDC and SAML) with Check-in will be provided.



OJS core features

A collection of new features developed for OJS: new solutions that allow editors to work with user and reviewer data in a GDPR-compliant way; improvements to the platform's support for multilingual content and metadata; developing the capability to interact with diverse controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, and persistent identifiers accompanied by the introduction of automated metadata checks.



OJS Diamond Plugins 2: Visibility & Discoverability 

This plugin will help Diamond journals to 1. assess and 2. increase their visibility & discoverability. It is an inventory of requirements and their comprehensible description and at the same time an incentive for editors – visually showing them that if they meet this requirement, they can log into that database.



Living Handbook

The Living Handbook (LH) will provide comprehensive information, standards, tools and training materials for institutional publishing in Diamond Open Access (OA). With a user-friendly interface and regular updates, it will give clear explanations of Diamond OA concepts, technical solutions and supporting training materials for the Diamond Open Access Community of Practice.

