10–11 Oct 2024
Circolo dei Lettori
Europe/Berlin timezone

SESSION 3 - OJS Diamond Plugins 1: Interoperability

10 Oct 2024, 14:00
1h 15m
Sala lettura

Sala lettura


OJS Diamond Plugins are being developed to make the editor’s job easier. According to the OA Diamond Journals Study, many journal editors manage their journals as a “second job” alongside their primary roles, often as researchers. These Diamond plugins will assist editors in enhancing the discoverability of their journals, while also facilitating automatic connections to key databases and aggregators such as OpenAIRE and EOSC. These two sessions will present the current progress regarding the related work.

This session will present and discuss the Plugins for OJS and Lodel Interoperability based on JATS XML, and the OJS Plugin for supporting Journal Metadata Exchange Format. JMEF is a new format for metadata exchange at the journal level, mainly developed for the Diamond Discovery Hub connection.

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