Maintenance work orders are commonly used to document information about wind turbine operation and maintenance. This includes details about proactive and reactive wind turbine downtimes, such as preventative and corrective maintenance. However, the information contained in
maintenance work orders is often unstructured and difficult to analyze, presenting challenges for decision-makers wishing to use it for optimizing operation and maintenance. To address this issue,
this work compares three different approaches to calculating reliability key performance indicators from maintenance work orders. The first approach involves manual labeling of the maintenance work
orders by domain experts, using the schema defined in an industrial guideline to assign the label accordingly. The second approach involves the development of a model that automatically labels
the maintenance work orders using text classification methods. Through this method, we are able to achieve macro average and weighted average F1-scores of 0.75 and 0.85 respectively. The third technique uses an AI-assisted tagging tool to tag and structure the raw maintenance information, together with a novel rule-based approach for extracting relevant maintenance work orders for failure rate calculation. In our experiments, the AI-assisted tool leads to an 88% drop in tagging
time in comparison to the other two approaches, while expert labeling and text classification are more accurate in KPI extraction. Overall, our findings make extracting maintenance information from maintenance work orders more efficient, enable the assessment of reliability key performance indicators, and therefore support the optimization of wind turbine operation and maintenance.