6–12 Jul 2025
Orthodox Academy of Crete - Kolympari
Europe/Athens timezone
July 6th - 12th 2025, Kolymvari, Crete

Conference fees and payment instructions


The payment instructions will be sent via email to registered participants, once all rooms are assigned. The payment will be done directly to the OAC.

There are 3 packages available. There are no discounted rates for accompanying persons (as the differences in the offer and the prices are marginal) or for individul days. Please come join us for the whole period of the meeting!

1. Single room package at the OAC: 1140EUR per person.

(includes meals and coffee breaks, excursion, cretan night)

2. Double/Shared room package at the OAC: 960EUR per person.

(includes meals and coffee breaks, excursion, cretan night)

3. Outside-OAC package (in case of completion of the OAC rooms, accomodation in an individually paid hotel): 780EUR per person.

(includes meals (but no breakfast) and coffee breaks, excursion, cretan night)