General Information
The Orthodox Academy of Crete is a public welfare institution in the category of National Foundations. It functions in canonical relationship with the Holy Metropolis of Kissamos and Selinon, and it operates under the spiritual auspices of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. The OAC is administered by a 10-member board under the presidency of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Kissamos and Selinon, Amphilochios.
The Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC), which celebrated its 50th anniversary of diaconia towards society in 2018, functions as an open workshop for the Dialogue between the Church and the intelligentsia and society. It organizes annual thematic study cycles in form of an Open University, international seminars and conferences as well as editions. The established aim of the OAC is the cooperation and synergy with other bodies and the joint discussion about the problems of our time, in a spirit of respect of each person/s diversity. Since 2019, the Academy is a Research Centre acknowledged by the State (Government Gazette 4610/7-5-2019, Art. 255) and is a Member of the European Academy of Religion (EuARe), the Network of Academies and Laity Centres in Europe (OIKOSNET EUROPE). Moreover, it has signed Contracts of Cooperation with Universities and Research Centres (Holy Theological Faculty of Halki, Foundation for Technology and Research, Museum of Natural History of the Univ. of Crete, the Technical University of Crete, the University of Ioannina).
The basic mission of the OAC is the dialogical witness and the liturgical ministry of Orthodoxy in the modern world; therefore, it is devoted to the cultivation of the spirit of dialogue between Orthodoxy and other confessions and religions, but also between faith, science and culture. Inspired by the platonic tradition of symphilosophein (philosophising together), the OAC aspires to be a place for dialogue and spiritual exchange in the service of God and humankind.
The OAC:
a. Organizes and hosts local, national and international conferences on its own initiative or in cooperation with churches, universities or other organizations.
b. Runs various programs and activities of an educational and/or practical nature (e.g. seminars introducing Orthodoxy, iconography, Cretan cuisine and nutrition, seminars about Crete, its history and culture).
c. Produces scientific work in the fields of theology and the environment.