21–27 Jul 2024
Harnack Haus, Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Posters - instructions


We hope to have lots of posters at the meeting to complement the talks and stimulate discussion. 

The poster sessions will be held in the Planck Lobby at the Harnack Haus. 

(Picture credit Andreas Muhs)

Excitingly we will have ELECTRONIC posters. 

You can make your poster in either standard PDF format or as a powerpoint (single poster format or series of slides) if you want to include movies or other animated graphics. The electronic poster boards are touch screen operated. 

The poster boards are portrait format, and are 1.297,4 x 768,2 mm (height x width). As the posters are electronic, you can make your poster bigger than this, or just zoom in. It will also be possible to project powerpoint slide decks if you have a lot to talk about!

The e-posters are available here: https://wolke.physnet.uni-hamburg.de/index.php/s/ZQxrc5TYiXS4Wz3/authenticate/showShare

You can find the password at the conference registration desk.