
🇬🇧 Session 2. Using and Integrating Health Data

18 Sept 2024, 15:05



Chair: Hendrik Nolte (GWDG), James Bowden (UMG)

This session focusses on the integration and processing of health data. We are looking for talks from various related topics which explore the various challenges and some employed solutions for integrating or processing health data.

Topics of interest include:
- Integration process of health data with the use of research data management systems (e.g. XNAT, ORTHANC, the Leibniz Data Manager, or a broader data lake)
- Security and legal aspects (e.g. encryption, anonymization, access control, AAI, pseudonymization, patient consent, enforcing the correct processing of patient consent revocations)
- How can researchers actually make use of these integrated data sets, (e.g. example use cases when working with XNAT, data stored in the BIDS format, or any other use cases where cross-data source, or cross domain data is processed)
- Challenges concering processing and scalability

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18/09/2024, 15:20
Session 2. Using and Integrating Health Data
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