Train The Trainers - HPC SPECTRA and community

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Jaison Lewis (GWDG), Kevin Lüdemann (GWDG), Matthias Eulert (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen)

Train the trainers is an initiative from the HPC SPECTRA project together with the HPC Certification Forum.

This workshop will cover basic topic, such as what the skill tree is and how the information are stored. Additionally, how to edit the content will also be part. Especially, working with the skill tree and the skills themselves is the core of the session. Therefore, the participants are should bring a course they are teaching and would like to adapt to the skill tree framework as preparation.

Registration is required for KPI tracking.


The HPC SPECTRA project is funded by the EuropHPC JU under the grant: 101136267

The HPC Certification forum is a non-profit organization, which provides the skill tree for the HPC SPECTRA project. Learn more here:

    • 14:00 16:00
      Train the Trainers: Community Meeting
      Convener: Dr Kevin Lüdemann (GWDG)