12–13 Aug 2024
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

Accepted Papers

The proceedings of NCMA 2024 will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.

Until the volume is published online, drafts of the accepted papers can be accessed at this link.

  • Vladimir Podolskii and Victor Selivanov. Complexity Aspects of the Extension of Wagner's Hierarchy to $k$-Partitions
  • Martin HavelZbyněk Křivka and Alexander Meduna. How to Demonstrate Metalinearness and Regularity by Tree-Restricted General Grammars
  • Friedrich Otto and František Mráz. Repetitive Finite Automata With Translucent Letters
  • Marvin Ködding and Bianca Truthe. Various Types of Comet Languages and their Application in External Contextual Grammars
  • Henning Fernau, Carolina Haase, Stefan Hoffmann and Mikhail Volkov. Winning strategies for the synchronization game on subclasses of automata
  • Henning Bordihn and Helena Schulz. Determinism in Multi-Soliton Automata
  • Jiřī Wiedermann and Jan van Leeuwen. Large Language Models and the Extended Church-Turing Thesis
  • Martin Kutrib, Andreas Malcher and Matthias Wendlandt. Complexity of Unary Exclusive Nondeterministic Finite Automata
  • Benedek Nagy. 5' -> 3' Watson-Crick Automata accepting Necklaces
  • Patrik Adrián and György Vaszil. A GLR-like Parsing Algorithm for Three-Valued Interpretations of Boolean Grammars with Strong Negation
  • Luisa Herrmann and Johannes Osterholzer. Non-Global Parikh Tree Automata
  • Guilherme Duarte, Nelma MoreiraLuca Prigioniero and Rogério Reis. Operational State Complexity of Block Languages
  • Yvo Ad Meeres. A New Notion of Regularity: Finite State Automata Accepting Graphs