23–27 Sept 2024
Faculty of Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scattering theory of chiral edge modes in topological magnon insulators

Not scheduled
HS 2 (Max Born Hörsaal) (Faculty of Physics)

HS 2 (Max Born Hörsaal)

Faculty of Physics

Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen


The well known Quantum Hall effect states that when a finite sample of a conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it develops stable chiral modes strongly localized at the edge. These emergent quasiparticles explore a system of an effective lower dimension: a great deal of attention has been devoted to single-mode properties, but interactions among edge modes are strong and further enhanced by the reduced dimensionality.
In this work, using a coupled array of interacting one-dimensional spin chains as a paradigmatic example, we characterize the scattering properties of edge modes. We numerically show that two edge modes do not scatter into the bulk but remain safely localized at the edge. Resonance with bulk modes can, however, heavily affect interactions and renormalize the scattering length. Our work is the first step towards a formulation of an effective truly many-body theory of chiral edge modes.

Primary author

Stefan Birnkammer (Technical University Munich)


Dr Alexander Mook (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) Alvise Bastianello (Technical University Munich) Prof. Johannes Knolle (Technical University Munich) Prof. Michael Knap (Technical University Munich)

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