23–27 Sept 2024
Faculty of Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone

Constrained dynamics in synthetic dimensions of ultracold polar molecules

Not scheduled
HS 2 (Max Born Hörsaal) (Faculty of Physics)

HS 2 (Max Born Hörsaal)

Faculty of Physics

Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen


In this work, we explore nonequilibrium dynamics in the system of ultracold polar molecules with synthetic dimensions trapped in a 1D optical lattice. In the system, the excitation of rotational states of the molecule plays a role of a particle that can hop along the synthetic dimension, and two nearest neighbor molecules interact when the synthetic distance is one between them. We numerically calculate autocorrelation function and distance between molecules in the synthetic dimension to characterize the dynamical behavior of the system. In the case of strong interactions, the initial states with molecules at the nearest neighbor in the synthetic dimension stay at the nearest neighbor throughout the time evolution. We also find that the system exhibits strong Hilbert space fragmentation in the infinite interaction limit. The goal of the ongoing work is to further investigate dynamics of the system for strong interactions.

Primary authors

Emil Reiter (UYST) Fabian Heidrich-Meisner (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Suman Mondal (UPTP)

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