12–16 Aug 2024
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

Highlights of Language Theory

DLT 2024 will host a series of talks on new exciting results in the area of formal languages and automata theory, based on recent papers presented at other conferences:

C. Aiswarya, Amaldev Manuel and Saina Sunny. Edit Distance of Finite State Transducers (based on a paper presented at ICALP 2024)

Paul Gallot, Sebastian Maneth, Keisuke Nakano and Charles Peyrat. Deciding Linear Height and Linear Size-to-Height Increase of Macro Tree Transducers (based on a paper presented at ICALP 2024)

Stefan Göller and Nathan Grosshans. The AC0-Complexity Of Visibly Pushdown Languages (based on a paper presented at STACS 2024)

Markus Lohrey, Markus L. Schmid: Enumeration for MSO-Queries on Compressed Trees (two talks based on a paper presented at PODS 2024)

Irmak Sağlam, Moses Ganardi and Georg Zetzsche. Directed Regular and Context-Free Languages (based on a paper presented at STACS 2024)