- Michele Chiari, Dino Mandrioli and Matteo Pradella. Cyclic Operator Precedence Grammars for Improved Parallel Parsing
- Benedek Nagy and Friedrich Otto. Finite Automata with Sets of Translucent Words
- Oscar Ibarra and Ian McQuillan. Techniques for Showing the Decidability of the Boundedness Problem of Language Acceptors
Jakub Ruszil. Careful Synchronization of One-Cluster Automata
- Marco Sälzer, Eric Alsmann, Florian Bruse and Martin Lange. Verifying And Interpreting Neural Networks using Finite Automata
- Ferdinando Cicalese and Francesca Ugazio. On the complexity and approximability of Bounded access Lempel Ziv coding
- Marco B. Caminati.
is a multiple context-free grammar: an implementation-, formalisation-friendly proof - Yinfeng Zhu. Around Don's conjecture for binary completely reachable automata
- Yusuke Inoue, Kenji Hashimoto and Hiroyuki Seki. Semidirect Product Decompositions for Periodic Regular Languages
- Martin Kutrib, Andreas Malcher, Carlo Mereghetti, Beatrice Palano, Priscilla Raucci and Matthias Wendlandt. Deterministic Pushdown Automata with Translucent Input Letters
- Philomena Moek. Network Topologies for Parallel Communicating Finite Automata: Token-Ring and Token-Bus
- Travis Gagie. How to Find Long Maximal Exact Matches and Ignore Short Ones
- Sungmin Kim and Yo-Sub Han. Approximate Cartesian Tree Pattern Matching
- Ingyu Baek, Joonghyuk Hahn, Yo-Sub Han and Kai Salomaa. Universal Rewriting Rules for the Parikh Matrix Injectivity Problem
- Hermann Gruber, Markus Holzer and Christian Rauch. The Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages is Undecidable
- C Aiswarya, Saina Sunny and Amaldev Manuel. Deciding Conjugacy of a Rational Relation
- Amazigh Amrane, Hugo Bazille, Uli Fahrenberg and Marie Fortin. Logic and Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata
Informal Presentations (not included in the LNCS proceedings): these are talks presenting work in progress or results published in journals or the proceedings of other conferences, related to the main topics of the conference.
- James Currie, Lucas Mol and Jarkko Peltomaki. The repetition threshold for ternary rich words
- Amazigh Amrane, Hugo Bazille, Emily Clement, Uli Fahrenberg and Krzysztof Ziemianski. Presenting Interval Pomsets with Interfaces: Extended Abstract
- Michele Chiari. Software Model Checking and Operator Precedence Languages
- Peter Peresini, Nathaniel Brown, Travis Gagie and Benjamin Langmead. MIOV: Reordering MOVI for even better locality
- Sicheol Sung, Aditi, Dogyu Kim, Yo-Sub Han and Sang-Ki Ko. Context-Free Grammar with Counters for Automated Testing in Programming Competition