31st Open Science Meet-up: Financing your publications - Diamonds are a researcher’s best friend?

virtuel (SUB Göttingen)


SUB Göttingen

Astrid Orth (SUB Göttingen), Birgit Schmidt (SUB Göttingen), Daniel Beucke (SUB Göttingen), Julika Mimkes (SUB Göttingen)

There’s no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to publishing research outcomes. However, these costs often remain hidden in a world of subscriptions and agreements with publishers where the library foots the bill on behalf of readers and authors.

With the shift to Open Access (OA) - and the ultimative goal to achieve a full transition - the discussion on how to cover these costs, what alternatives are available and possible challenges becomes more prominent. The fees for publishing in OA can be quite substantial, in particular in the sciences and medical fields. There are also approaches that avoid charging fees to authors or readers (“diamond OA”) to support diversity, equity and inclusion in terms of authorship.

These basic models are addressed in a range of negotiated agreements at the national, regional and institutional level (e.g. DEAL initiative). Moreover, further efforts are needed to speed up the transition to OA for academic books.

In this session we would like to target the following questions:

  • What alternatives to publication fees are available and how do journals and institutions implement this approach? (“diamond OA”)
  • What challenges may result from the approaches, what possible mitigations are available?
  • What kind of support and agreements related to Open Access publishing are available to researchers at Göttingen Campus (with focus on UGOE, UMG)? Which additional programmes are currently under development?

Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to contribute a question that should be addressed, a short presentation and/or have any other suggestion.

Pad: https://pad.gwdg.de/ANbIx-C0Qkuh0-M4CBeiDA#

Zoom Meeting: https://uni-goettingen.zoom-x.de/j/66871473893?pwd=REuriRbO9gWhRVLKALUdhv0UQx2WAo.1

31th Open Science Meet-up Göttingen
    • 1
      Welcome & Round of introductions
    • 2
      Presentations and discussions
      • Nationale Transformationsverträge: Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen institutioneller Dienstleistungen für kommerzielles Publishing (in German) - Kristine Hillenkötter, SUB Göttingen
      • Open Access Publication Fund at UGOE, NiedersachsenOpen - Saskia Brauns, Jan Stieglitz, Bastian Weber, SUB Göttingen
    • 14:00
    • 3
      Show & Tell
      • Monitoring of spendings (UGOE, hybrid/gold) - Astrid Orth, SUB
      • Diamond Open Access - Margo Bargheer, SUB
      • Journal editor perspective, diamond OA journal - Andrew Gross, North American Studies, UGOE (New American Studies Journal)
    • 4
      Summary, updates & what’s next