23–25 Sept 2024
SUB Göttingen - Historisches Gebäude
Europe/Zurich timezone

Semantic research data management with LinkAhead: Increased data findability and reusability

24 Sept 2024, 14:30
diverse (SUB Göttingen - Historisches Gebäude)


SUB Göttingen - Historisches Gebäude

Papendiek 14 / 16, 37073 Göttingen


Daniel Hornung


In this hands-on workshop, we introduce the open-source software LinkAhead (gitlab.com/linkahead), which promotes agility in semantic research data management: LinkAhead builds a semantic web of knowledge, facilitating enhanced data findability and reusability through data embedding into context. Its flexible data model (the data structure can be changed without migration of existing data) allows to leverage existing standard ontologies, promoting transparency, interoperability and collaboration across diverse research domains. This workshop consists of a short live demonstration of the LinkAhead Python client, and participants are encouraged to follow along on their own machines. A Jupyter notebook will be made available online before the session.

Presentation materials

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