15 November 2024
MPI for Biology of Ageing
Europe/Berlin timezone
Join us to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research! Registration Deadline: October 31, 2024

The 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research takes place on November 15, 2024 starting at 9:20 am as a full day event at the MPI for Biology of Ageing.

You may be aware that the CECAD Graduate School and the International Max Planck Research School AGE (IMPRS on Ageing) of the Max Planck Institutes for Biology of Ageing and for Metabolism Research merged in 2013.

To date, the CGA has had 119 doctoral students, 60 of whom have already completed their PhD. The “CGA 10th Anniversary Symposium” aims to bring together students, faculty and alumni to create a space where we can all look back on the past 10 years of our graduate programme and explore the different career stages and paths of our alumni and friends. 

We are planning a one-day festive event with scientific and non-scientific presentations in the morning and a career panel discussion in the afternoon. 

Of course, there will be plenty of opportunity to network, chat and share good memories with old classmates, faculty and coordinators during the event and at the social get-together taking place after the symposium.

If you are a student, faculty member, alumni or friend of the CGA, please register by October 31, 2024!


MPI for Biology of Ageing
Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 9b, 50931 Cologne
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