30th Open Science Meet-up: Your Science in a Nutshell: Hands-on Science Communication

Digital Creative Space (SUB Göttingen)

Digital Creative Space

SUB Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1 37073 Göttingen
Astrid Orth (SUB Göttingen), Birgit Schmidt (SUB Göttingen), Daniel Beucke (SUB Göttingen), Julika Mimkes (SUB Göttingen)

Are you enthusiastic about your research, Open Science and would like to brush up your presentation and communication skills, in particular when facing diverse and non-expert audiences? Then this workshop on Open Science slamming is for you!

An introduction to science slamming will get us started on creating and delivering engaging short presentations. The key goal is to make your audience as interested and enthusiastic about your work as you are. As members of the audience we will vote and provide feedback.

Hang on, and how does Open Science come in? Open Science aims at opening up and communicating research results and the research process itself. For use and reuse - not just by researchers but all kinds of audiences in society. Therefore, a science slam on why and what you did can be a great fit to reach this goal!

Our trainer will be Manuel Maidorn, biochemist by training and science press and communication officer at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization. 

Pad: https://pad.gwdg.de/a9nimO5cSrOBGM0sVEkdrQ

30th Open Science Meet-up Göttingen
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      Welcome & Round of introductions
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      We will start with some hints and tricks on how to break down complex scientific topics. Several aspects, such as storytelling, formulating key messages and language usage will be discussed. This can help to craft an outreach talk (such as a Science Slam) which ist tailored for a specific target audience.

      There will be hands-on activities and brainstorming sessions, particularly with respect to the differences from a scientific talk.

      The second part of the workshop will be a practical session where participants can create a first outline for a Science Slam (or another outreach talk) in groups. A feedback session on the activity will conclude the day.

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      Summary, updates & what’s next