Nutrition transition, Urbanisation, Tanzania, Food environment
The proposed study aims to analyse the effect of the degree of urbanisation on households’ diets in Tanzania. A healthy diet forms the cornerstone of human development, as sufficient and adequate nutritional intake throughout life is a crucial determinant of an individual's health and...
Keywords. Migration, Nutrition, Left-behind, Ghana.
Introduction. Migration is a phenomenon that affects those who migrate, the communities they move to, and those who stay behind. The individuals who remain in the household of origin after one of their members emigrates are often referred to as left-behind individuals. In recent decades, there has been substantial interest in the...
Access to a healthy diet is a fundamental human right, yet a significant portion of the global population faces barriers to realizing this right. Conventional poverty metrics are designed to adequately capture caloric needs but they are inadequate for capturing other essential nutritional requirements. We propose national poverty lines based on the cost of a healthy diet and explore their key...