Keywords: risk, agriculture, technology adoption, digital technologies, Kenya
Farmers in developing countries face a host of climate-related risks that make their incomes volatile, undermine their food security, and hamper investments in agriculture (Dercon, 2005). Agricultural insurance has the potential to transfer some of these risks away from smallholder farmers,...
Exposure to weather hazards, pests, crop diseases, and climate change threaten the livelihoods of many smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries. Uninsured risks in agricultural production do not only cause severe financial consequences in the aftermath of a shock, but also during years without a shock, by discouraging a risk-averse farmer from investing in profitable...
Agriculture is inherently risky and smallholder farmers often lack the funds to expand their operations or invest in profitable technologies and inputs. For instance, lacking documented land rights or lacking the necessary collateral limits potential borrowers’ access to formal credit (Higgins et al., 2018), and consequently potential borrowers are involuntarily limited in...
Keywords: welfare; poverty; income; value chains; agrifood systems; resilience; inclusivity; smallholders
The analysis of poverty and the policies aimed at its reduction have predominantly been steered by conventional monetary poverty indicators. These indicators differentiate between the poor and the non-poor based on a subsistence threshold, determined by the cost of...