16–18 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Turn your research into a visual summary and make your publications stand out!

16 Sept 2024, 14:00
1h 30m
1.201 (Paulinerkirche)




Beatriz Herrera (Visuals in Science LAB) Lina Buitrago (Visuals in Science LAB)


Learn the process of creating a visual abstract, together with the key principles of design that will make your research stand out. Through a practical exercise, the assistants will follow the steps to visualize a concept and learn several important aspects they need to consider during the process.

During the workshop, we will go through the steps of creating a visual abstract and explain some basic principles of design. During the exercise, the assistants will work in groups and put into practice the explained concepts to brainstorm a visual abstract.

Primary authors

Beatriz Herrera (Visuals in Science LAB) Lina Buitrago (Visuals in Science LAB)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.