In Space Robotics Lab (SRL) at Tohoku University, Japan, we are developing heterogeneous multi-robot systems for lunar/planetary exploration. So far, robotic exploration missions on the surface of the Moon and remote planets have been conducted by a single capable mobile robot. But if deploying multiple robots, we expect advanced performance in terms of increased coverage areas, accuracy of...
This talk introduces our Moonshot project which is a project in the National Research and Development (R&D) program in Japan. The Moonshot program promotes high-risk, high-impact R&D aiming to achieve ambitious Moonshot Goals and solve issues facing future society such as super-aging populations. Our project is accepted under the Moonshot Goal 3: Realization of AI robots that autonomously...
In this talk, I will give an overview of ongoing and planned research of my new chair "Optimization and Biomechanics for Human-Centred Robotics" at KIT and my CERC "Human-Centred Robotics and Machine Intelligence" at the University of Waterloo.
Human-centred robots are predicted to have a large societal impact in the future, e.g. in form of humanoid robots supporting people in dangerous or...
Alice Violaine Saletta, Gustavo Hernan Diaz, Shreya Santra and Kazuya Yoshida
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan
“Teaching by showing” is a topic that has been widely explored in the history of robotics research. The idea of having a system that can understand what action is performed by a human using its sight and make a robot able to reproduce it is indeed an...
Current deep-learning-based AI allows integrating a lot of written material humans have created over generations and helps people in abstracting information, learning, making decisions, etc. However if this type of AI is directly transferable to robots is not yet clear. In order to act in some environment, robots have to cover the gap between continuous sensing and action on one side and the...