Sep 19 – 21, 2023
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone




Data science and machine learning have become a core topic in academia and industry in the last decade with major breakthroughs in some application fields. Purely data driven methods are still dominating this sector, often called “modern AI”; but increasingly efforts exist to merge those with knowlegde-based symbol manipulation approaches, known from long ago and associated with - what people had called - “GOFAI”. 

The Symposium is organised by the three working groups:

  • Mathematics at the Interface of Science and Technolog
  • Robotics for Health, Well-being, Safe and Resilient Societies
  • The Digital World: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics

The call for abstracts is now open! ->

We are looking for contributions on the following topics:

• Newest Developments in AI and ML (theoretical and implementations)

• Current AI challenges 

• AI Safety (technical & AI governance)

• AI Privacy and Security

• Ethics in ML and AI applications

• Consciousness of Machines

• AI services compared to standards in scientific research

• AI Law and governance

You can either register as a participant or contribute with a presentation. Poster cannot be placed.


Alte Mensa, University Göttingen. 


We have reserved several rooms for the participants of the symposium. Please follow the link for more information.

The reserved rooms are only available until Augst 20th

Scientific Organisation Team

  • Prof. Ramin Yahyapour
  • Prof. Stephan Huckemann
  • Prof. Florentin Wörgötter

Local Organisation Team

  • Dr. Sven Bingert
  • Lena Steilen
  • Radoslav Koynov
Alte Mensa
Emmy Noether Room
Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen
Go to map
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Application for this event is currently open.