19–21 Sept 2023
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

AI Service Centre for Sensitive and Critical Infrastructures

19 Sept 2023, 15:45
Emmy Noether Room (Alte Mensa)

Emmy Noether Room

Alte Mensa

Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen
Data Science Plenary


Stefanie Mühlhausen (GWDG)


KISSKI, a pioneering force in AI research and services, centres its efforts on sensitive and critical infrastructures. Collaborating with experts spanning medicine, energy, and AI domains, KISSKI is dedicated to forging a robust AI service centre. Its holistic range of provisions, encompassing hardware, software, consultancy, and training, is poised to empower SMEs, start-ups, and research institutions, catalysing a dynamic synergy that propels the progress of AI research and its real-world implementations.

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