Near-future climate scenarios predict pervasive shifts in forest dynamics as a result of anthropogenic climate change. At the same time, acceleration of episodic ecosystem disturbances due to increasing fire intensity will likely lead to unprecedented terrestrial ecosystem disruptions. Considering these developments, a better understanding of the impact of fire intensity on past natural forest...
Fire, an important element of human land use strategies, was part of many early industrial activities but also of burning incidents that significantly impacted settlement structures and development. The spatial proximity of the historically well-documented medieval town and sediment archive deposited in its central lake (Stadtsee) was taken to investigate the interplay of fire and...
The Early Holocene is characterised by a set of climatic factors responsible for natural environmental fires. However, it is still debated whether humans also co-shaped the landscapes using fire in the Mesolithic period (~11.5–7.4 cal ka BP). Hypotheses on the anthropogenic fire impact during the Mesolithic period are often considered, but detailed, local scale, and well-dated...
Over the past decades, large and uncontrolled wildfires have occurred in all terrestrial ecosystems. Global warming may amplify this trend and threaten most ecosystems worldwide for the next decades. Alterations of fire regimes may affect fire-prone systems and forest ecosystems that have not historically experienced fires, such as the European beech forests. Understanding the long-term...
Fires are an important factor in the shaping of ecosystems and are closely related with climate change, vegetation and, especially in more recent times, human action. Charred particles in sedi-ment cores are widely used as proxies for the reconstruction of fire histories, with the ultimate goal of revealing the local paleofire history of certain catchment. In this project we examined the a...
Even though the boreal forests represent a significant biome within the Northern Hemisphere, there have not been studies of non-pollen palynomorphs (sub-fossil fungal spores and microscopic objects identified from pollen samples) devoted to untangling potentially missing information about the boreal forest dynamics. Therefore, it is crucial to test the potential of non-pollen palynomorphs in...
Recent climate change in Siberia is increasing the probability of dangerous forest fires. The development of effective measures to mitigate and prevent fires is impossible without an understanding of long-term fire dynamics. We present the new multi-site palaeo-fire reconstruction based on macroscopic charcoal data from 16 peat and lake sediment cores located in different landscapes across the...
The periodicity of fires in the Middle and Late Holocene in the vicinity of the village of Tura (central Evenkia) is considered according to the analysis of the concentration of macroscopic coal particles in peat bogs: Gornoye (64°13'55.97"N, 100°02'5.21"E) and Nizhnyaya Tunguska (64 °10'49.74"N, 100°34'59.16"E). The depth of the deposit of the Gornoe swamp is 215 cm, radiocarbon dating at the...