Workshop on
“Long-term fire-vegetation change: data-based challenges”
13-Feb-2023 to 17-Feb-2023
Suggested program
Mon, 13th Feb: arrival of participants, ice breaker get-together at 6 pm CET
Tue, 14th Feb: Presentations and ideas
Keynotes by
• Graciela Gil-Romera, Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain
• Andreas Koutsoudendris, University of Heidelberg, Germany
• Sascha Krüger, National Museum of Denmark, Denmark
poster and discussion sessions on long-term fire-vegetation and vegetation-fire interactions including flash talks that pitch poster presentations
Wed, 15th Feb: Perspectives, problems and possible solutions
• introduction to the Neotoma database by Thomas Giesecke, University Utrecht, The Netherlands
• introduction to F.A.I.R data by Mareike Wieczorek, Alfred-Wegener-Institute Potsdam, Germany
• introduction to paleofire data (member of IPN)
• discussion of data-based and database challenges in groups
• hands-on afternoon workshop on “Neotoma in R” (Petr Kunes and Thomas Giesecke: EPD and Neotoma data stewards)
Thu, 16th Feb: Concluding the discussions and training
• morning hike to Göttingen uphill
• evaluation of discussions
• hands-on to develop a data template and workflow to facilitate the integration of the GPD into Neotoma
• planning of future tackling of large-scale data-based challenges in paleofire-vegetation and vegetation-fire reconstructions
• Afternoon training of paleofire data evaluation in R by Walter Finsinger, University of Montpellier, France
Fri, 17th Feb: excursion to Harz mountains (on demand)
Fire-vegetation interactions (Poster)
Fire-vegetation interactions (Oral)
Data-based perspectives, problems, solutions