13–17 Feb 2023
Faculty of Geoscience and Geography
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Global Paleofire Database - past, present, future

15 Feb 2023, 11:35
MN09 (Faculty of Geoscience and Geography)


Faculty of Geoscience and Geography

Göttingen, Germany
Oral Data-based perspectives, problems, solutions Data-based perspectives, problems, solutions


Elisabeth Dietze (Landscape Geoscience, Geographical Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany)


The Global Paleofire Database (GPD) is a product of former PAGES Global Paleofire Working Groups and was also known as "Global Charcoal Database, GCD". It gathers sedimentary charcoal records from all over the globe in a accessible repository and is a community effort, mainly compiled for large-scale data syntheses projects.
Here, we present its history, current relevance and potential future pathways under the umbrella of the International Paleofire Network (IPN), a network open to everyone to develop paleofire-related projects, and as a new Constituent Database of the Neotoma paleodata repository. We aim to stimulate discussion on how to include further paleofire proxy records (not only charcoal) to gain deeper understanding of past fire properties, drivers and impacts, and to address new regions that currently lack paleofire data.

Primary authors

Elisabeth Dietze (Landscape Geoscience, Geographical Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany) Boris Vannière (MSHE Ledoux, UAR CNRS-UFC and CNRS, UMR Chrono-environnement, Besançon, France; Palaeoecology, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland)

Presentation materials

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