We will introduce you to the Neotoma environment including explorer, Tilia and the Neotoma R package. The database uses API (application programming interface), which serve the explorer as well as Tilia but also let you query the database in R. We will show you which information you can most easily extract in either of these choices and provide a hands on R exercise on working with charcoal and pollen data.
Preparation of the Neotoma workshop
At the workshop we want to give you an introduction of how to interact with the Neotoma database using 3 out of 4 possible ways:
1) introduce the functionality of the Neotoma explorer.
2) show how to get most out of Neotoma using Tilia.
3) give an appetizer on how to work with the neotoma2 R package.
If you would like a hands on experience following our examples, we kindly ask you to have the following ready:
1) Bring your computer.
2) Install a recent version of Tilia preferably the full version that can be obtained by following a link on the Neotoma webpage: https://www.neotomadb.org/apps/tilia under installing Tilia. The link will lead you to a web form where you are asked to provide some personal information. After submitting the form an automated email will be sent to you with the installation instructions. Please check your spam folder if you don’t receive one.
3) Make sure you have the most recent version of R and R-Studio on your computer and install the following packages: dplyr, rioja, riojaPlot, vegan and neotoma2. Note that neotoma2 needs to be installed from GitHub:
devtools::install_github('NeotomaDB/neotoma2') so you will also need devtools if you don’t have it. Also riojaPlot is not yet a CRAN package and you need to install it like this:
install.packages("riojaPlot", repos="https://nsj3.r-universe.dev")
remotes::install_github('nsj3/riojaPlot', build_vignettes=TRUE, dependencies=TRUE)
even better —> https://readthedocs.org/projects/neotoma-manual/
actually this link —> https://neotoma-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/