21–25 Jul 2025
Max-Planck-Institutes Am Fassberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Travel and accommodation

The workshop will be held in the week directly following the main STATPHYS29 conference in Florence, Italy.


To reach Göttingen from Florence, options include a direct flight to Frankfurt airport, which has fast train connections to Göttingen, as well as a train-only connection via Verona and Munich (night train).


We have provisionally arranged rooms at the hotels below for booking by workshop participants. To obtain the preferential rates shown, use the discount code Statphys when booking and make your reservation by the deadline shown.

The workshop registration fee does not cover accommodation so you will need to pay for this yourself.

Hotel Price Deadline
Hotel Stadt Hannover 95 EUR incl. breakfast
(single room)
Best Western Hotel Am Papenberg 95 EUR incl. breakfast
(single room)
Hotel Central

88 EUR incl. breakfast
(single room)

  121 EUR incl. breakfast (double room) 20/05/2025

Note for invited speakers: Accommodation will be arranged by the organizers. Please contact us at satellite2025@theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de if you have any questions in this regard.