Jun 20 – 23, 2022
Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung
Europe/Berlin timezone

A stabilisation mechanism for many body localisation in 2D

Jun 20, 2022, 5:30 PM
2D5 (Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung)


Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung

Contributed Poster Poster Session


Darryl Foo (Centre for Advanced 2D Materials)


Experiments in cold atom systems see identical signatures of many body localisation (MBL) in both one-dimensional (d=1) and two-dimensional (d=2) systems despite the thermal avalanche hypothesis showing that the MBL phase is unstable for d>1. Underpinning the thermal avalanche argument is the assumption of exponential localisation of local integrals of motion (LIOMs), a result taken from the Furstenberg theorem. In this work we show that the Furstenberg theorem assumptions break down for real experimental systems, resulting in super-exponential localisation of LIOMs. A more careful analysis of the quantum avalanche argument for such realistic systems shows that the critical dimension changes from d=1 to d=2, thereby bridging the divide between the experimental demonstrations of MBL in these systems and existing theoretical arguments that claim that such demonstrations are impossible.

Primary author

Darryl Foo (Centre for Advanced 2D Materials)


Dr Nyayabanta Swain (National University of Singapore) Prof. Pinaki Sengupta (Nanyang Technological University) Dr Gabriel Lemarie (Centre for Quantum Technologies) Prof. Shaffique Adam (National University of Singapore)

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