23–24 May 2024
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Europe/Berlin timezone

Crisis-Driven Mobility: Exploring The Impact of Complex Disasters on Sub-Saharan Africa’s Rural Population

Not scheduled
Leibniz Universität Hannover

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Poster Presentation Migration Economics Poster Session


Reinhardt Robert (University of Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne)


Climate change heightens the likelihood of co-occurring natural hazards. This paper assesses the impact of correlated hazard events on net migration in Sub-Saharan Africa at a 10x10km grid level. Utilizing a dynamic difference-in-difference model, the study reveals a temporary decrease in net migration by approximately 0.8 persons per 1000 people, balanced out three years later by an equivalent increase in net migration. Temperature-related hazards, particularly affecting agricultural production, exhibit the most significant effects in interaction with other hazard classes. The results suggest that rural areas drive the results, and urban areas experience longer-lasting inward migration after the disaster. Policy makers should take these distortions in migratory flows into account.

Primary author

Reinhardt Robert (University of Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne)

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