The study of three-dimensional frustrated magnets has been very challening on account of the lack of controlled methods for treating these correlated quantum many body systems. This talk gives an overview over recent progress, which has seen application of a combination of different approaches - including 3d DMRG, numerical linked cluster expansions, various types of semiclassics and effective...
Fracton phases are a particularly exotic type of quantum spin liquids
where the elementary quasiparticles are intrinsically immobile. These
phases may be described by unconventional gauge theories known as tensor
or multipolar gauge theories, characteristic for so-called type-I or
type-II fracton phases, respectively. Both variants have been associated
with distinctive singular patterns...
Strongly interacting Fermi liquids often turn into bad metals at elevated temperature. Here, we use angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) to study the fate of quasiparticles in the model Fermi liquid Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ during this crossover. In contrast to common ARPES folklore, our experiments show that quasiparticles do not disappear via a vanishing residue Z. To the contrary, we find that the...
The pseudogap behavior, observed in several classes of materials, most notably high Tc cuprates, remains one of the most debated phenomena in correlated electron systems. In the past few years, there have been significant numerical advances which suggest an important role of spin fluctuations in pseudogap formation at finite temperature. In this talk, I propose a minimal analytical model that...