24–28 Jul 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Enhanced Superconducting Diode Effect due to coexisting Phases

24 Jul 2023, 16:45
2h 45m



Contributed Poster Poster Session


Sayan Banerjee (University of Innsbruck)


The superconducting diode effect refers to an asymmetry in the critical supercurrent $J_c(\hat{n})$ along opposite directions, $J_c(\hat{n})\neq J_c(-\hat{n})$. While the basic symmetry requirements for this effect are known, it is, for junction-free systems, difficult to capture within current theoretical models the large current asymmetries $J_c(\hat{n})/J_c(-\hat{n})$ recently observed in experiment. We here propose and develop a theory for an enhancement mechanism of the diode effect arising from spontaneous symmetry breaking. We show---both within a phenomenological and a microscopic theory---that there is a coupling of the supercurrent and the underlying symmetry-breaking order parameter. This coupling can enhance the current asymmetry significantly. Our work might not only provide a possible explanation for recent experiments on trilayer graphene but also pave the way for future realizations of the superconducting diode effect with large current asymmetries.

Primary authors

Sayan Banerjee (University of Innsbruck) Prof. Mathias Scheurer (UIBK)

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