24–28 Jul 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Synthesis and characterization of carbon quantum dots: comparison with calculation by DFTB+

24 Jul 2023, 16:45
2h 45m



Contributed Poster Poster Session


Jorge Joe Espinosa Ventura (Center for advanced studies)


Carbon quantum dots (CQD) represent one of the recently discovered allotropic forms of carbon whose quantum confinement properties give it certain peculiarities in terms of its behavior. In these structures, the close relationship established between optoelectronic properties such as absorbance, fluorescence, and the presence of functional groups at their edges is well known. Associated with the above, in recent years common points have been observed between these nanomaterials and semiconductor quantum dots (QD). Despite the above, there is still no established theory capable of correctly explaining fluorescence, or its dependence on the emission wavelength, which is why computational modeling must be used to predict the properties and behavior of fluorescence. these settings. Based on the information obtained from characterization techniques of samples synthesized at the Center for Advanced Studies of Cuba (CEA) that provides precise information on their structure and behavior, in the present work some of the properties of primary CQD formations such as the band structure and the dependence of the size of the material with the emission wave, using the Density Functional Theory with Strong Bond Approximation (DFTB).

Primary authors

Mr Ariel Castro Sifontes (Higher Institute of Technology and Applied Science, Cuba) Dr Fernando Guzmán Martínez (Higher Institute of Technology and Applied Science,Cuba) Jorge Joe Espinosa Ventura (Center for advanced studies) Mr Ronaldo Hernández Mendes (Higher Institute of Technology and Applied Science, Cuba) Dr Yarima García (Center for Advanced Studies of Cuba)

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