24–28 Jul 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dynamic Mass Generation and Topological Order in Overscreened Kondo Lattices

27 Jul 2023, 15:45



Contributed Talk Topology and Correlations


Yashar Komijani (University of Cincinnati)


It has been predicted that multichannel Kondo lattices undergo a symmetry breaking at low temperatures. We use the dynamical large-N technique to ascertain this prediction in a microscopic model on a honeycomb lattice and find out that it is not generally true. Rather, we find a 2+1D conformally invariant fixed point, governed by critical exponents that are found numerically. When we break time-reversal symmetry by adding a Haldane mass to the conduction elections, three phases, separated by continuous transitions, are discernible; one characterized by dynamic mass generation and spontaneous breaking of the channel symmetry, one where topological defects restore channel symmetry but preserve the gap, and one with a Kondo-coupled chiral spin-liquid. We argue that the latter phase, is a fractional Chern insulator with anyonic excitations.

Primary authors

Yashar Komijani (University of Cincinnati) Yang Ge (University of Cincinnati)

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