24–28 Jul 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exceptional Points in strongly correlated materials: spontaneous symmetry breaking and charge response

27 Jul 2023, 16:15



Contributed Talk Topology and Correlations


Lorenzo Crippa (JMU Würzburg)


Strongly correlated electronic materials offer one of the standard platforms to detect and classify non-hermitian topological features. These are generally a consequence of the many-body interaction terms, which entail a non-hermitian self-energy and a nontrivial form for two-particle correlation functions. We show how both effects can stabilize a peculiar type of non-hermitian degeneracies known as Exceptional Points. At the 1-particle level, we assess their presence at the onset of spontaneous symmetry-breaking, for systems whose noninteracting Hamiltonian features an unprotected Dirac dispersion. At the 2-particle level, we observe the emergence of Exceptional Points in the eigenvalue spectrum of generalized local charge susceptibilities in the simple Hubbard model, establishing a link between non-hermitian topology and phase instability of the electronic system.

Primary author

Lorenzo Crippa (JMU Würzburg)


Matthias Reitner (TU Wien) Alessandro Toschi (TU Wien) Giorgio Sangiovanni (Uni Würzburg - Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik) Prof. Jan Carl Budich (TU Dresden)

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