
Mental health & Well-being Webinar: Navigating Uncertainty in research



Zoom link will be distributed upon registration


As part of our Mental health & Well-being Webinar Series, we offer the webinar

“Navigating Uncertainty in research”

on April 7, 2022, 10-11 am
zoom link to be provided to all registered participants

Content & Organization:
Academic life is a precarious one for many. Contracts are short-term, mobility is expected, and the future feels outside of our control. We are forever facing new challenges and constant change. Arguably, that is part of what we love most about academia, the environment and our understanding are forever evolving (as they should). But over time, the uncertainty and instability of the situation can take a toll. Worry, doubt and fear can begin to settle in.

In this webinar, we will explore how to:

  • Give yourself permission (to be where you are and feel what you feel!)
  • Make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation.
  • Navigate uncertainty and worry.
  • Recognise the controllable from the uncontrollable and learn where to spend your emotional and mental energy.
  • Fill your bucket when life is constantly emptying it.

After the 45-minute presentation there are 15 minutes for discussion and Q&A.

Desiree Dickerson PhD (https://desireedickerson.com/) is a clinical psychologist who specializes in academic mental health and wellbeing. A former researcher herself, Desiree is now based in Europe and works with leading academic institutions, lab groups, and academics themselves in the pursuit of a healthier approach to research.

She has also contributed to the dialogue around mental health and well-being in academia through recent pieces in Nature and Science on imposter syndrome, perfectionism, grad school mental health and Mental health strategies during COVID.

Register now!

Organised by

Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research