Elektronisches Publizieren – Electronic Publishing (EPU)

Open Access in a Nutshell - Workshop as part of the module „M.Psy.307 Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis (Good scientific practice)”

9.111 (MZG / Blauer Turm)


MZG / Blauer Turm


Speaker: Dr. Birgit Schmidt & Julika Mimkes from the Göttingen State and University Library

Open Access can be applied to all kinds of research outputs but is mostly associated with publications. In this session, we will discuss the various routes to Open Access, via journals, digital repositories and other platforms. Moreover, information about policies, infrastructures and support at Göttingen Campus will be provided. Agreements with publishers (e.g. DEAL) will also be briefly explained. Open Access comes with expected benefits but also with challenges. In particular, we will provide information on how to spot low-quality and select reliable journals. Hands-on exercises will offer additional insights into practical aspects of Open Access.

The workshop will be offered in English and is open to all students and scientists

  • Julika Mimkes
  • Laura Josephine Botzet
  • +5