27th Open Science Meet-up: Towards Improving Research Assessment - A Reality Check
Monday 10 July 2023 -
Monday 10 July 2023
Welcome & Round of introductions
Welcome & Round of introductions
13:00 - 13:40
Room: Digital Creative Space
Introduction to the topic
Introduction to the topic
13:40 - 14:00
Room: Digital Creative Space
Panel discussion
Panel discussion
14:00 - 15:00
Room: Digital Creative Space
short statements, questions to panelists by moderator and audience Panelists (confirmed): <ul> <li>Research integrity perspective - Katharina Beier, Ombuds Office</li> <li>VP research perspective - Prof Brümmer, VP Research</li> <li>Dr Liza Maria Franke, UGOE, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology</li> <li>Prof Dr Sarah Köster, UGOE, Institute for X-Ray Physics</li> <li>Prof Dr Julian Kunkel, UGOE / GWDG</li> <li>Dr Johannes Rollwage, UGOE, Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology</li> <li>Prof Dr Winfried Rudolf, UGOE, Seminar for English Philology</li> </ul>
Coffee & tea break
Coffee & tea break
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Digital Creative Space
Work session & discussion
Work session & discussion
15:30 - 16:00
Room: Digital Creative Space
Show & Tell: <ul> <li>The scoring scheme of the German Primate Center (Stefanie Heiduck, DPZ)</li> <li> News of CoARA Working Group (Sebastian Dahle, Univ. Ljubljana)</li> <li> Experiences from the UMG (Harald Kusch, UMG)</li> </ul> Possible question for the discussion: <ul> <li>What are the main questions that should be addressed by whom (at UGOE)?</li> <li>What are our questions to the presidency of UGOE?</li> <li>What information and data is needed to gain an overview of the current practices?</li> <li>What practices should be reviewed and possibly revised?</li> <li>What criteria, metrics and qualitative indicators are currently used?</li> <li>What could be next steps (at UGOE)?</li></ul>
Summary, updates & what’s next
Summary, updates & what’s next
16:00 - 16:30
Room: Digital Creative Space