23nd Open Science Meet-up: Intended and unintended consequences of Open Science
Monday 20 June 2022 -
Monday 20 June 2022
Welcome & Round of introductions
Welcome & Round of introductions
13:00 - 13:30
Room: Alfred-Hessel-Saal
Short presentations
Short presentations
13:30 - 14:30
Room: Alfred-Hessel-Saal
Short takes on expectations and effects related to Open Science, some intended, others less so <ul> <li>Effects of cumulative advantage and threats to equity in Open Science - Nicki Lisa Cole, Know-Center & TU Graz </li> <li>Effects of Open Access - a literature study based on empirical works - David Hopf et al., TIB Hannover </li> <li>Challenges for journals: Reverse flips from OA to subscription & vanishing OA journals - Najko Jahn, SUB Göttingen </li></ul>
Coffee & tea break
Coffee & tea break
14:30 - 15:00
Room: Alfred-Hessel-Saal
Show & Tell
Show & Tell
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Alfred-Hessel-Saal
<b>Examples of intended consequences</b> <b>Examples of unintended consequences</b> <ul><li> financial issues, e.g. cost barriers for publishing from the author perspective</li><li> journal landscape: financial, sustainability issues, market concentration similar to subscription journal market (e.g. partly due to large agreements with publishers / DEAL)</li><li> journal editor perspective: barriers and how to handle them when setting up or switching an OA journal</li></ul> <b>Examples of (un)intended consequences</b> <ul><li> growth of publishing in journals with agreements (“easy route”) (additional question: do authors care about the type of agreement? e.g. transformative or not)</li></ul>
Breakout discussion
Breakout discussion
15:30 - 16:00
Room: Alfred-Hessel-Saal
Summary, updates & what’s next
Summary, updates & what’s next
16:00 - 16:30
Room: Alfred-Hessel-Saal